Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dear CCN Prayer Team,

We pray that you are encouraged by what the Lord is doing through CCN both on and off the college campus. Below are some wonderful testimonies of what has been through our college students serving in CCN.

Praise Reports

CCN-Ramapo College of NJ
In this current Fall 2010 semester God has been sending new students every week to the weekly CCN fellowships at Ramapo College of NJ! It was about a year ago in the Fall 2009 semester at Ramapo that the fellowship could only account for 1 consistent member. Now, the CCN Chapter at Ramapo has 4 consistent members who are passionate about standing up for Christ and sharing the gospel on the college campus. With the consistency of the fellowship, CCN is becoming more recognized at Ramapo, causing more of an interest for students to join or to stop and listen to what is being discussed, which is the Word of God. We praise the Lord for strengthening the students and the Campus Leaders at Ramapo by giving them committed and diligent hearts to press forward.

CCN's Women's Retreat
"Issues of the Heart"
CCN hosted its’ first Annual Women’s retreat titled "Issues of the Heart." All of the women who attended the event were very thankful for what they have learned at the retreat as they all gathered for a night of worship, prayer, and heart felt devotions. Here is what one attendee had to say:
“For a long time I wanted a teaching strictly for women such as the kind I found at CCN's Issues of the Heart. The leaders were open friendly and wise. I truly was convicted of things that have to change in my life and when I left there as I prayed on my drive home...I felt the need to repent of things that the Holy Ghost convicted me of during the retreat. The topics were on point with the things that single women in college deal with. I truly enjoyed my time there. I was truly blessed and had a wonderful experience."
CCN-LaGuardia Community College
Below are CCN members from LaGuardia Community College (Jamel and Jasmine) who are faithfully committed to CCN and have a wonderful desire to serve the Lord and preach the gospel. Please watch the encouraging video below as they both share their testimonies from  a recent outreach at the LaGuardia.

Prayer Requests
CCN Campus Leaders & Members- Please for the Campus Leaders and members as some are preparing for their finals this month. Pray that they will be diligent in preparing and studying for their finals so that they can not get distracted in doing the work of the Lord by being unprepared in their classes.

In addition, some of the CCN members are struggling financially. One student is short on college funds while another member is without a job and has a family at home. Pray that the Lord will meet their needs financially. And pray for strength, courage, and confidence over these individuals.

CCN Outreaches- Please pray over all of our outreaches occurring in this month. Our outreaches dates are Dec. 4th. Dec 11th, and Dec. 18th. Pray that the Lord will fill our hearts will love and compassion as we preach the gospel. Also, pray against fear and ask God to give us boldness as we evangelize.

Thank you all once again for your prayers. We are very thankful to have you support our ministry through prayer. May you have a wonderful holiday as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Dear CCN Prayer Team,

We would like to share with you the wonderful Praise Reports we have from our
on campus chapters. Please read below the great testimonies of what the Lord is through
the CCN members serving on college campus.

CCN @Montclair State University Event (Confessions of an Ex-devil Worshipper)
Many students from Montclair gathered anxiously to hear the testimonies of a former devil worshiper and serial killer who both gave their life to Christ. After hearing such powerful testimonies of David Berkowitz (formely known as the Son of Sam) and AJ (a current CCN member at MSU) many of the students became more eager to hear how they both escaped a life full of darkness.

Many students were very astonished at AJ's testimony as he was deeply involved in a Satanic Cult. What astonished the students so much was how he was delivered through Christ from such a dark way of living. AJ's responses always pointed to the cross. For instance, AJ explained to the audience how he currently has various murder attempts on his life, which is a result from leaving the cult. During the Q&A one student asked him was he afraid of dying. AJ response was "No, because my assurance of salvation is through Jesus Christ which makes me not to fear death but have everlasting life in heaven." Amen!

Dan Nicholls, a great friend of David Berkowitz, was another speaker who shared with the students life touching stories about David Berkowitz in his new life with Christ. There was also a 45 minute video shown of David Berkowitz which included how he was delivered from his practice of Satanism through Christ while in prison. Dan also shared with the students a letter written from David Berkowitz that was full of love and encouragement.

Overall, the gospel was preached and the hearts of many of the students were filled with awe to hear of God's saving power by radically changing a devil worshipper and a convicted serial killer!

SouthWest Minnesota State University (Campus Tour Praise Report)
Campus Leader at SouthWest Minnesota State University, Pastor John Chisham, linked up with Luke 10:2 ministries and other co-laborers to take on a 3 day Campus Tour to preach the gospel on 3 different campuses in the Minnesota. The crowds at these campuses were fairly big. On one campus a protest broke out from a group of homosexuals, where approximately 300 people were in attendance. Pastor Chisham gracefully invited the protesters out to his church after preaching and surprisingly enough they showed up! The group of protesters traveled almost 2 hours just to visit.

However, the protesters brought signs with them and decided to protest inside Pastor Chisham’s church while he gave a sermon. Although this was very disrespectful on their part Pastor Chisham, along with other church members, continued to show them love and allowed them to stay.

In the sermon, Pastor Chisham read from John Chp 19 and spoke about the punishment Jesus took on the cross for our sins. After hearing such a convicting and wonderful message one of the protesters began to cry while two others put down their signs.

Although most of them were still hardened in their hearts, Pastor Chisham continued to show them grace and preached the gospel to them after the church fellowship was over. What a testimony! Praise God!

Prayer Request
CCN Campus Leaders-Continue to pray for all of our CCN Campus Leaders and members as they are halfway through the fall semester. Pray for strength over their lives and that they remain focused and compassionate of doing the Lord's work on campus. Also, pray against distractions and bad infleunces that surround them on the college campus.
CCN Regional Mentor Leader/Campus Leader- Continue to pray that the Lord raises up more Fulltime Regional Mentor Leaders and Non-student Campus Leaders as we are looking for older and committed individuals to lead on our campuses that are non-students primarely because they are more mature in the faith, can commit more to their role as a fulltime evangelist, and as a Non-student we do not have to be concerned about replacing a new Campus Leader every year once a student graduates.
CCN Website-Please continue to pray for the construction of our new website as it is still in the process of being revised. Also, pray for our brother in Christ,Carmelo, who is working on the new website. Pray that the Lord continues to establish all of Carmelo's work and ideas to make the website better. We are very thankful to the Lord for Carmelo and all of his labor that he has sown into CCN.
Donors/Supporters- Please pray that the Lord brings forth more donors and supporters financially to CCN as we would like to be able to assist our CCN chapters on the college campuses with all necessary resources. In addition, we would like to have more a global presence on the colleges that our students serve on so we can evaluate and assist our Campus Leaders with all on campuses concerns and issues. This would also give us the ability to personally meet and work with our Campus Leaders one-on-one.
One strategy we are conducting to help make this possible is through starting a $5 campaign, in which we are asking individuals to become a monthly supporter by agreeing to donate $5 on a year-to-year monthly basis. If you are interested please click on the donate box below. We really would apprectiate your help.

Thank you all for your fervent prayers and continous support,
it really means alot to the ministry.
(May the Lord bless you as you continue to serve Him with joy)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dear CCN Prayer Team,

Rejoice in the Lord with us for answering our prayers! The power of the Lord had been falling on many, sending faithful and committed laborers to harvest to continually preach the gospel. The Lord has been doing mighty works through CCN such as sending us donors, bringing forth brethren to co-labor with us and raising up more laborers to serve on the college campus. What a true blessing this is and more than ever, a beginning of a revival!

Please read our Praise Reports and Prayer Requests below.

Praise Reports

CCN Saturday- Through the power of God, the Lord has been using our CCN Saturday outreaches not only to preach the gospel to the lost, but to encourage the churches and brethren in our local areas. Just recently, we had 23 brethren of all backgronds join us in our last CCN Saturday outreach and it was amazing! From Pastors to youth, the Lord have been convicting and compelling the hearts of saints to go forth and preach the gospel.By God's Grace we have been blessed to come across of multiples of Christians during our outreaches who were truly blessed and inspired as we preached.

One of our brethren simply put it like this, "The Lord is using CCN as a two fold ministry. To preach the gospel and convict the lost and to encourage the body of Christ and convict those who are not going out witnessing."

Another simply said, "The preaching of the gospel is like a contagious fire to the saints. It spreads and spreads to a point where the entire body is compelled to preach!" We thank the Lord for these wonderful testimonies..amen!!

We have been so blessed and touched by our monthly outreaches that we have decided to do weekly outreaches as well. Please click here to view our schedule. We would love for you to join us!

Biblical Evangelism Training- Last week we hosted a Crash Course (also known as our biblical evangelism training seminar) with congregants from a local church who are from Nigeria. The congregants had a deep desire and passion to preach the gospel but faced some fears,especially when trying to reach those of a different culture here in America. However, at the end of the training they were drastically changed! As we taught them, the Lord opened up their eyes giving them more of an understanding of His Word of how to preach the gospel biblically, boldly, and effectively. The congregants were so encouraged that they invited us back to teach the entire church and take them out to preach. The Glory of the Lord surrounded us as we prayed and worshiped Him for what we have done. It was very heart filling to see how happy and excited the congregants were. Glory to God!

CCN Campus Leaders- By the Grace of God there have been many people sending in applications to apply for the Campus Leader position that we offer. We recently interviewed an individual from Pittsburg, PA, Jennifer Pepling, who also attended our Annual Repent & Witness Evangelism Camp this summer. Jennifer was so inspired by the work we were doing both on and off the college campus, that she felt in her heart to serve with CCN. We are very thankful that the Lord is raising up an army of believers who are mature and committed to the works of the Lord on the college campus. Please continue to pray for our Campus Leaders and potential Campus Leaders who are considering to take on this role.

Prayer Requests

CCN Fellowships- Please pray for our Campus Leaders and CCN members as they conduct their weekly fellowships throughout the semester. Please pray against all distractions that may prohibit them from doing the Will of God, knowing that they are faced with many wordly temptations. Also, pray that the Lord will give them dilligent hearts to take on their heavenly duties first, followed by their daily resonsibilities. Finally, pray that the Lord will open up doors for CCN on the campus for His sake, that the gospel may be preached through monthly planned events.

Repent & Witness 2011- Before we know it, we will be headed for another summer and preparing for our next Repent and Witness Evangelism Camp. We have started promoting for next years Evangelism Camp and thankfully enough we have a few individuals who submitted their applications already. We take joy in the Lord for bringing forth brethren to labor with us during our 4 day mission trip and are looking forward to what the Lord is going to do next year. Please continue to pray for us as we plan and pray for laborers to reap harvest.

Once again, thank you all for your prayers. What a honor it is to serve a God who not only hears our prayers, but answers them.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Come join us as we witness one-to-one and open-air preach in New York City's Union Square Park!

September 25th

We will first be meeting in the morning at 11:30AM at LaGuardia Community College (in the "M" building) for group worship, prayer, and a message from the Word of God! Then we will be traveling to Union Square Park for our outreach around 12:30PM. Afterwards, we will be gathering at Dallas BBQ's in Times Square for dinner and godly fellowship!

Morning Meeting Location:
LaGuardia Community College (M building)
31-10 Thomson Ave.
Long Island City, NY 11101
**Room: TBA