Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dear CCN Prayer Team,

We pray that you are encouraged by what the Lord is doing through CCN both on and off the college campus. Below are some wonderful testimonies of what has been through our college students serving in CCN.

Praise Reports

CCN-Ramapo College of NJ
In this current Fall 2010 semester God has been sending new students every week to the weekly CCN fellowships at Ramapo College of NJ! It was about a year ago in the Fall 2009 semester at Ramapo that the fellowship could only account for 1 consistent member. Now, the CCN Chapter at Ramapo has 4 consistent members who are passionate about standing up for Christ and sharing the gospel on the college campus. With the consistency of the fellowship, CCN is becoming more recognized at Ramapo, causing more of an interest for students to join or to stop and listen to what is being discussed, which is the Word of God. We praise the Lord for strengthening the students and the Campus Leaders at Ramapo by giving them committed and diligent hearts to press forward.

CCN's Women's Retreat
"Issues of the Heart"
CCN hosted its’ first Annual Women’s retreat titled "Issues of the Heart." All of the women who attended the event were very thankful for what they have learned at the retreat as they all gathered for a night of worship, prayer, and heart felt devotions. Here is what one attendee had to say:
“For a long time I wanted a teaching strictly for women such as the kind I found at CCN's Issues of the Heart. The leaders were open friendly and wise. I truly was convicted of things that have to change in my life and when I left there as I prayed on my drive home...I felt the need to repent of things that the Holy Ghost convicted me of during the retreat. The topics were on point with the things that single women in college deal with. I truly enjoyed my time there. I was truly blessed and had a wonderful experience."
CCN-LaGuardia Community College
Below are CCN members from LaGuardia Community College (Jamel and Jasmine) who are faithfully committed to CCN and have a wonderful desire to serve the Lord and preach the gospel. Please watch the encouraging video below as they both share their testimonies from  a recent outreach at the LaGuardia.

Prayer Requests
CCN Campus Leaders & Members- Please for the Campus Leaders and members as some are preparing for their finals this month. Pray that they will be diligent in preparing and studying for their finals so that they can not get distracted in doing the work of the Lord by being unprepared in their classes.

In addition, some of the CCN members are struggling financially. One student is short on college funds while another member is without a job and has a family at home. Pray that the Lord will meet their needs financially. And pray for strength, courage, and confidence over these individuals.

CCN Outreaches- Please pray over all of our outreaches occurring in this month. Our outreaches dates are Dec. 4th. Dec 11th, and Dec. 18th. Pray that the Lord will fill our hearts will love and compassion as we preach the gospel. Also, pray against fear and ask God to give us boldness as we evangelize.

Thank you all once again for your prayers. We are very thankful to have you support our ministry through prayer. May you have a wonderful holiday as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ.

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